My lil or I guess I must say not so little golden Retriever, Diego got fixed last week. and before the surgery I did some research on alternatives to the ‘cone of shame’. In the past I’ve used the soft collar for my old pet dog and it worked well. So I was going to get that one but then I saw two new options that seem even better. Or at least these other options seemed cuter and that was enough to get me to get ‘em! and now I’m sharing how the two cone of shame alternatives we used worked…
Diego got fixed on Friday and I got him a Suitical to help stop him from licking his wound. The suitical is a body suit for dogs or cats indicated to keep them from licking the areas the suit covers. They also come in long sleeve but I thought that’d be too hot (he’s already covered in fur!).
I got the Suitical and put it on him to make sure it fit. It was a tiny bit big but I think if it was too small and tight on his body he would be a lot more bothered by it.
Then, I thought that might not be enough to stop him so I also bought a cute cone / collar that looks like a lion’s mane.
I got both of them on Amazon here…
Suitical recovery suit for Dogs – Black – size X-Large (*I got the large for Diego not XL)
Alfie Pet – Noah recovery Collar (for Dogs and Cats) – Pattern: Lion, Size: XXL
Note: Diego is 7 months old. He’s a golden retriever puppy and weighs 68.5 pounds (read: he’s relatively big for his age and has a lot of energy).
I work from home and he had a lot of supervision the first few days after his surgery.
He was neutered so the area I was trying to stop him from licking was his private area (I’m trying not to use the right terms for this as lots of read this at work and have restrictions on the type of web sites they can access. using the medical terminology might flag RER – I know this because it’s happened before.)
The wound area didn’t seem to hurt, itch or bug him a lot. He wasn’t really trying to get at it. but I think if it was easily easily accessible he would have licked at it just because that’s just dogs do.
If it did hurt, itch or bother him… I think this would have presented a problem that would require a lot more supervision or stronger deterrents. but he was a-okay with these tools.
Here are my thoughts on the pet dog collar alternatives.
1. Suitical recovery suit for Dogs – in Black / size large for Diego
The Suitical is a bodysuit style one piece for dogs or cats with a turtle neck top and snaps on the bottom. They also have long sleeved ones. I was terrified he was going to try and take it off but he was fine with it. I think it helped that I put it on the night he got home from the surgery so he was still a little out of it and just figured this was part of the deal.
Without the collar he can sneak in through the leg area and get to his private parts (where the sutures are). I think a smaller size would have been a tighter and made that a lot more tough but I was terrified that if it was tight he’d be a lot more bothered by the suit and try to take it off. He hasn’t seemed to mind it in any way because it’s not really binding him anywhere.
Even though he can get to the surgery area – it’s not 100% easily accessible and open with the suit. So it’s a good barrier. I take the cone/collar off when we take a walk or when he’s going to eat. If I don’t put it ideal back on he’s not right away trying to lick himself. and when he does try to get at it – I have some time to realize that and get the cone.
So the Suitical is a deterrent / speed bump to him getting to his wound. but if he had time to work on it – I think he’d push it to the side and be able to lick himself.
2. Noah recovery Collar – in brown size XXL for Diego
The collar alternative is a soft collar with a velcro closure. I measured him per the instructions and got the XXL. Again- note his size Diego is a 7 month old golden Retriever and weighs about 68 pounds. It barely fits his neck. So if your pet dog is bigger than that or has a pretty thick neck this collar alternative won’t work.
It seems 100% a lot more comfortable than the plastic cone of shame from the vet. I think the cone from the vet is a lot broader than it has to be. It’s hard plastic, the diameter is large and the pet dog isn’t used to wearing it so he knocks into everything – which seems like it’d cause pain or potential sores on their neck. [I think if the collars were only as deep as the dogs snout it would help.]
When he got back from the procedure he just wanted to sleep and I think sleeping with the soft cone would be a lot a lot more comfortable. (I can’t ask him his opinion but I’m fairly confident on this.)
The collar also bends backwards so I did that a few times when he was eating or drinking randomly.
And considering that it’s lighter and softer – if he did knock into something there wasn’t hard plastic digging into his neck.
The soft collar is large enough to deter hSoy de lamer su cuerpo, pero aún puede llegar a sus piernas, lo cual está bien para la situación de Diego. Si está tratando de evitar que su mascota se lame las extremidades, esto probablemente no funcionaría.
Pudo llegar a eso y masticar el cuello suave varias veces. Y lo arrugó un poco y parecía poder acercarse a su herida varias veces.
Creo que si estuvo solo durante horas y se aburrió o la herida estaba doliendo o picaquiando … podría trabajar en ello y llegar a ella. Básicamente, funcionó! Pero trabajo desde casa, así que estuve la gran cantidad de tiempo los días posteriores a la cirugía y si parecía estar tratando de llegar a la herida, lo detenía. Así que nunca tuvo una buena cantidad de tiempo para realmente trabajar en eso. Sin embargo, creo que un perro mascota que quedó solo podría hacerlo.
3. Estoy realmente encantado con la combinación de cuello adecuado y suave sobre el cuello de cono duro. ¡Funcionó para Diego! Pero no creo que ninguno de los dos sea suficiente para evitar que un gran perro mascota (o uno con una tonelada de energía) llegue a su herida. Ambos usados juntos fueron lo suficientemente buenos para nuestras necesidades y las recomendaría en combinación junto con una supervisión frecuente, especialmente al principio para ver qué puede hacer su mascota con ella.
¡Avíseme si ha usado estas o tiene otras ideas e ideas para agregar!
Compre los favoritos de mi perro mascota en Amazon aquí
Puedes seguirme en Instagram aquí – @runeatreeat
Y puedes seguir a Diego aquí – @DiegoredVera
Pregunta: ¡Dime qué tipo de mascota tienes!
Recordatorio: no soy veterinario ni zoólogo o paleontólogo. Solo soy una chica con un blog y un perro. Consulte con su veterinario para saber qué es lo mejor para su mascota.
¡Sigue a @RuneatrePeat en Instagram para la ejecución y el rango actuales! ¡¡Gracias!!
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